Will meditation massage be a new popular massage?

Meditation Massage combines my two loves, Bodywork and Meditation, and begins using simple breathing techniques to bring the client into a space where meditation and relaxation can take place.

Meditating during a massage will allow you to focus on your breath. Breathing into the pain as it takes place may allow you to withstand more, meaning your masseuse can work with your knots for longer and ultimately, you’ll end up feeling much better. Through meditation, you are essentially deactivating your sympathetic nervous system and turning on the parasympathetic branch, Rhoads says. Initial studies have found that over time this practice can help reduce pain, depression, stress and anxiety.

Daily meditation decreases anxiety and improves cognitive functioning in new meditators after 8 weeks. Only 8 weeks of daily meditation can decrease negative mood and anxiety and improve attention, working memory, and recognition memory in non-experienced meditators.

Escort Agencies
An escort agency is a company that provides escorts for clients. The agency typically arranges a meeting between one of its escorts and the client at the customer’s house or hotel room (outcall), or at the escort’s residence (incall).

Some agencies also provide escorts for longer durations, who may stay with the client or travel along on a holiday or business trip. While the escort agency is paid a fee for this booking and dispatch service, the customer trends to negotiate any additional fees or arrangements directly with the escort for any other services that are not provided by the agency involved, such as providing sexual services (regardless of the legality of these services).

As with the laws that make pimping illegal, escort agencies will also be considered to be in breach of legislation if they control their escorts. This means that an agency will be liable for legal action if they force or coerce workers into sexual services.

Sex workers and the law

The exchange of sexual services for money is legal in the UK (apart from in Northern Ireland where it’s illegal to pay for sex). But, these related activities are illegal under the Sexual Offences Act 2003:

  • soliciting (trying to get clients) on the street or other public place, including someone in a vehicle. 
  • paying for the services of a sex worker who’s forced or threatened into it.
  • owning or managing a brothel (any premises which is used by more than one person for sex work).
  • pimping (someone who has control over sex workers and the money they earn).
  • advertising sexual services, including putting cards in phone boxes.

If you’re a sex worker you may be the target of rape, physical and sexual abuse and robbery as offenders (often pimps or clients) think you won’t report the crime. But, if you say ‘no,’ it means no – it doesn’t matter if you’re a sex worker or not. You have the same right over your body as anyone else and the same right to give or withhold consent as anyone else. Whether you work online, on the streets or in premises, learn how to keep safe with these safety tips for sex workers.

If you’re being forced into any kind of sex work, this is sexual exploitation, a form of modern slavery. What you need to do is to report it. Is someone in immediate danger? Is a crime taking place or has one just happened? If so, call 999 now and ask for the police (call 101 if non-urgent). Any sex worker has the right to report any crime committed against you. Police officers will listen and support you in any way they can.